Positivo Informaticá SA (Brazil) Brazil

POSITIVO INFORMÁTICA SA are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • Educational apps
  • Digital content
  • Educational tools 

Company Profile:

  • Brazil: 190k schools, 50 million of students
  • Partnership with educational content and tools providers
  • Partnership with classroom solutions providers
Rebeca Barbalat
Rebeca Barbalat
Marketing and Product Director 

Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) Malaysia

Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • STEM & TVET Content
  • Learning Platforms
  • Skills and Certification Program provider
  • Teacher’s CPD 

Prestariang Systems have an ongoing STEM improvement programme.

Business areas:

  • Training – Skill development, CPD
  • Certification
  • Graduate employability

"We enhance human potential through life-long learning and develop local talents for global market"

Mr Abdul Hamid Rahman
Mr Abdul Hamid Rahman
Senior Vice President – Research and Product Development