Integrated Training Solutions of Egypt Egypt

Integrated Training Solutions of Egypt are interested in meeting:

  • Training Providers / Continuing Education
  • School Management Systems
  • Authorization Programs in Soft Skills / Curriculum Authors 

They are working with many schools as part of the education reform programs sponsored by Microsoft and Intel towards strengthening the use of IT in Education.

Specific areas of interest at Bett include; IT In Education, Teachers’ Development and School Management Systems.

Walid Eid
Walid Eid
LinkedIn logo Chairman 

UKTI Egypt Egypt

UKTI Egypt looking to meet UK companies providing:

• School technology equiptment

• Educational equipment and materials

• Learning materials

Education in Egypt has been referred to as number 1 priority by the Egyptian Government and 11.9% of government spending is on education with a forecast of 10% increase.  The Egyptian Education Initiative (EEI) launched to support education reform through the use of communication and information technology tools

The Egyptian government has a plan to increase the number of schools as well as develop the equipment, tools and technology in current schools

Modern educational ICT technology and equipment is needed as the education reform is highly required in all levels and across all sectors

Ms Wafaa Saad
Ms Wafaa Saad
Senior Adviser