UKTI Philippines Philippines

UKTI Philippines is looking to meet:

  • UK training companies & qualification-giving bodies
  • UK Universities who wish to partner with local major Philippine Universities to provide the transnational education (TNE)
  • Providers/suppliers of software solutions and other educational materials

Opportunities for UK companoies

  • Inter-Ed partnership with De Montfort University (Value:  TBC)
  • Esteban School partnership with identified UK Universities (on –going arrangement)
  • Felta Multi-Media Inc –distributorship partnership with ED Lounge (Value: TBC)
Country profile:
  • The Philippines is now one of the fastest growing economies in Asia with an average GDP growth of 67% for the last three years. It is the second largest market in ASEAN in terms of population (103 million and increasing at 2% per year.)
  • The Philippine government gives high priority to education.  This sector gets the highest share of the national budget.  The Department of Education budget allocation increased from 207.2 billion pesos in 2011 to 336.9 billion pesos in 2014.The current administration recognises the need to improve the quality of education provided by Philippine schools.  A recent reform implemented by  the government is the adoption of the K + 12 programme which involves mandatory kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four  years  of Junior High School,  and two years of Senior High School) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship.  The main driver behind this new policy is to make the Philippines a more competitive country.  
  • Philippines is one of the top English speaking countries in the world.  English is the medium of instructions both in public and private schools.  It is also the official business language.  The private sector is investing more in universities.  The Philippine Constitutions requires at least 60% Philippine ownership of educational  and training institutions.  Foreign entities can have 40% stake in the operation.
Opportunities for UK companies in education sector in the Philippines are:
  • Accreditation
  • Vocational and continuing education
  • E-learning modules
  • Software and hardware
  • Partnership with local educational institutions
  • Building partnerships between UK universities and major Philippine investors
Mrs Criz Reyes
Mrs Criz Reyes
UK Trade & Investment Officer