Stratford Book Services S.A. (Argentina) Argentina

Stratford Book Services S.A. are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • Platforms
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Multiple devices technology
  • E-learning 

Stratford Book Services are developing their digital area, bearing in mind that the world of knowledge is changing, that not books any more but content is the main player. 

The company has always acted in the world of learning all over Argentina, they are always on the alert for market changes, and that’s why they are interested in e-learning and new technologies.

Company profile:

  • 200 main private bilingual schools; 41 national state universities & 50 private universities.
  • +5 million net books were donated by government to students of state schools (secondary level) in the last four years. 


  • Schools and government interested but still in the investigation stage.
  • Bilingual schools are starting to get familiarized with technology, many introductory courses delivered. Many of them have bought Smart boards but still don’t use them properly.
  • There is a huge possibility for the government to encourage the use of technology and the learning of ELT at all levels.
  • SBS is referent in the area of new technologies, we deliver webinars on the topic, and we know who the clients that could be interested are.
Adriana Catarain
Adriana Catarain