UKTI Bangladesh Bangladesh

UKTI Bangladesh are looking to meet UK companies including:
• Technical and Vocational Education training providers
• Software, Education technology
• Education Consultant

Bangladesh has opportunities in:
• ICT and skill development is one of the priority sectors of the Bangladesh. The government’s new science and technology policy suggested access to quality educational material in all level of education.  There are numbers of aid funded and Government projects to develop the education and ICT sector which UK companies might consider to explore. UKTI Staff will be able to help UK companies to find these projects.

• Bangladesh has a large educational system consisting of some 150,000 institutions, 34 million students and over 900,000 teachers. There are about 20 million students in primary education and 11 million at the secondary level. At university level, there are 31 public and 54 private universities. ICT has been identified as a key enabler to address the quality component of the education equation. Attractive e-learning environments in schools, and distance learning through TV, radio, mobile phones and internet will increase retention. The government has made ICT education compulsory at secondary level and has planned to make it compulsory at primary level by 2021. Teacher training will be increasingly decentralized through the use of ICTs already in place at the Upazilla Resource Centres for primary and model schools.

• Access to Information (a2i) Programme is an UNDP and USAID supported project (programme) having its office at the Prime Ministers’ Office. The overall objective of the project is to provide support in building a digital nation through delivering services at the citizen’s doorsteps.  Some of the significant initiatives of a2i project are National portal Framework, Capacity Development, and Multimedia Classroom. Through this projects Government is trying to promote learning/Education through ICT in all the rural areas of Bangladesh. There are opportunities for UK companies in the different initiatives of this project.

Suraya  Jahan
Suraya Jahan
Deputy Director