Institution MADANIA (Morocco) Morocco

Institution MADANIA are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • Classroom equipment and hardware
  • Classroom material
  • Multimedia technology 


  • Education is a top priority market in Morocco
  • The UK is engaged at a strategic level with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education
  • The opportunities for UK companies are in ELT, vocational training, ICT, development of new contents, e learning, consultation services, didactic and pedagogic equipment, investment in new schools and universities.
Ikrima Debbagh
Ikrima Debbagh
General Manager 

UKTI Morocco Morocco

UKTI Morocco are looking to meet UK companies including:

• ELT material, interactive whiteboards, software, audio visual equipment and digital technologies

• Consultants in education 

•  Vocational training organisations and ELT providers

The opportunities for UK companies are in: ELT, vocational training, ICT, development of new contents, e-learning, consultation services, didactic and pedagogic equipment, investment in new schools and universities.

Education is a top priority market in Morocco; the UK is engaged at a strategic level with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education.

Najat Benyahia
Najat Benyahia
Trade Adviser