UKTI Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad and Tobago

UKTI Trinidad & Tobago are looking to meet UK companies including suppliers of:

  • Furniture, classroom equipment & hardware
  • Multi-media technology/projection devices
  • Software

Trinidad & Tobago’s education & training sector is controlled primarily by the government where universal access to quality education from pre-primary to tertiary level remains a top priority in national policy. In the 2015/16 national budget the sector through the Ministry of Education, received the 2nd highest allocation in the budget.

Due to the expansion of public teaching institutions, and the further increase in classroom stock, there are opportunities for UK companies to supply (i) furniture for early childhood care centres, where approximately 31 centres are expected to be built in 2016 and; (ii) smart-furniture, fixtures, and state-of-the-art equipment to HE institutions. This also includes demands in other areas to include library information services and skills development institutions.  

In 2016 the construction of a Science City is expected to commence, which will change the model of engagement of the public in science and technology, by reaching out to broader segments of the population, and assist in building a more diversified knowledge-intensive economy through Science and Technology platforms.

Ms Bernadette Bacchus
Ms Bernadette Bacchus
Trade & Investment Officer