UKTI Ethiopia Ethiopia

Dessalegn Yigzaw from UKTI Ethiopia is interested in meeting:

  • Curriculum Developers
  • Education Institutions with reputation in teachers training and English language
  • Book printing companies, consultancy companies

Opportunities in Ethiopia

Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) – a multi donor programme, supports education improvement in Ethiopia with an outlay of USD 850m in the following areas: 

  • New curriculum development
  • English language improvement for both teachers and students 
  • Development of college teachers education e-learning applications 
  • Development, printing, and distribution of supplementary materials and workbooks.
Country Profile
  • The country has made enormous strides in improving access to education. There are now more than 21 million students enrolled from primary school to tertiary levels. The number of government universities has also increased from 2 in 1981 to 31 in 2014. 
  • Ethiopia has also met the minimum development goals by increasing its primary school enrolment to 92% in 2015.      
  • However, education quality still remains a challenge.
Mr Dessalegn  Yigzaw
Mr Dessalegn Yigzaw
Head, UKTI Ethiopia