Learn IT (Latvia) Latvia

Learn IT are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • Visual based programming platforms, applications for primary school students
  • Trainings for IT teachers
  • Robot building platforms, constructors

Learn IT is an educational initiative, which offers after-school programming classes to primary school students. During study years children are introduced with main concepts of programming, robotics and math through various unplugged activities, robots, electronics modules and real game based programs.

Since 2012 Learn IT has established cooperation with 10 schools in two cities in Latvia by educating in total 250 students.  The company’s aim is to implement curriculum in 100 Latvian schools and expand business in Baltics and other Eastern European countries by 2020. Considering the company’s growth model, Learn IT would be interested to discuss contracts up to 10,000 EUR.

Country Profile:

  • Although Ministry of Education of Latvia are aware of ICT skills shortage among future employees, there are still only few initiatives raised to promote ICT education in Latvian schools
  • From September 2015, 150 schools in Latvia have started to implement Computer science curriculum from Grade 1 (Primary). While curriculum is mainly based on use of digital technology, educators and teachers have come to realization that students should be also taught programming principles
  • In Latvia there are 850 secondary education schools from which at least 100 schools would be interested in having programming classes at school if not compulsory than as an after school activity
  • Apart from school premises there are children educational centres as well, where programming classes might be one of the activities to offer to children.
Ms Linda Sinka
Ms Linda Sinka

UKTI Latvia Latvia

UKTI Latvia are looking to meet UK companies including:

• pre-school 

• general, non-formal

• special needs education

In 2014-2015 Latvian education in the Baltics will receive EUR 1.66 billion of EU financial support. This sum will be distributed across education subsectors and will open excellent business opportunities for British suppliers operating in the field. 

Sanita Vetra
Sanita Vetra
Head of Trade Team