EduLab / Triple C (Lebanon) Lebanon

EduLab / Triple C are interested in meeting companies specialising in:

  • Mobile devices (such as tablets)
  • Networking
  • Security 
  • Classroom management
  • Student information management
  • Mobile Device Management
  • Content management
  • Science and Math interactive content, apps content
  • Assessment tools and data analysis
  • Training programs with certification and accreditation for schools, teachers and students
  • Suppliers that want to Arabic Language to their products’ languages 

EduLab / Triple are currently digitizing school books owned by local publishers, around 150 books including Arabic books. They provide IT solutions for schools and universities, including; networking and security data servers.  They have installed the network for the biggest universities in Lebanon like AUB, USEK and schools

The ministry of telecom in collaboration with Ministry of Education are distributing about 10 000 customized Tablets to the k12 students, We run the technical support of this project.

Country profile:

  • Lebanon is an Arabic Country. It is a leader in the education field in the Arabic countries, has about 50 universities and chains of private schools spread to Arab countries
  • The introducing of technology is one of the trends in Lebanese (K-12) schools using tablets, networking, assessment and interactive content. 
  • Training teachers on ICT is one of the areas where schools are ready to invest
Dany Aouad
Dany Aouad
CEO of EduLab / Education Development Manager in Triple C 
Mr Stephen Turnbull
LinkedIn logo International sales manager 

UKTI Lebanon Lebanon

UKTI Lebanon are looking to meet UK companies including:
• Publishers
• Distributors
• Software companies

Lebanon is a regional centre for trade and business due to its strategic geographical location

Benefits for UK business exporting to Lebanon include: Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA) signed by UK and Lebanon, no exchange regulations, English widely spoken, large financial sector, well-educated and highly skilled workforce.

Lebanon has the highest literacy rate in the Arab world which is 90%. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s (MEHE) main priorities are to support ICT in the education system

Ms Diala Michlawi
Ms Diala Michlawi
Assistant Trade Officer