UKTI Bangladesh Bangladesh

UKTI Bangladesh are looking to meet UK companies including:
• Technical and Vocational Education training providers
• Software, Education technology
• Education Consultant

Bangladesh has opportunities in:
• ICT and skill development is one of the priority sectors of the Bangladesh. The government’s new science and technology policy suggested access to quality educational material in all level of education.  There are numbers of aid funded and Government projects to develop the education and ICT sector which UK companies might consider to explore. UKTI Staff will be able to help UK companies to find these projects.

• Bangladesh has a large educational system consisting of some 150,000 institutions, 34 million students and over 900,000 teachers. There are about 20 million students in primary education and 11 million at the secondary level. At university level, there are 31 public and 54 private universities. ICT has been identified as a key enabler to address the quality component of the education equation. Attractive e-learning environments in schools, and distance learning through TV, radio, mobile phones and internet will increase retention. The government has made ICT education compulsory at secondary level and has planned to make it compulsory at primary level by 2021. Teacher training will be increasingly decentralized through the use of ICTs already in place at the Upazilla Resource Centres for primary and model schools.

• Access to Information (a2i) Programme is an UNDP and USAID supported project (programme) having its office at the Prime Ministers’ Office. The overall objective of the project is to provide support in building a digital nation through delivering services at the citizen’s doorsteps.  Some of the significant initiatives of a2i project are National portal Framework, Capacity Development, and Multimedia Classroom. Through this projects Government is trying to promote learning/Education through ICT in all the rural areas of Bangladesh. There are opportunities for UK companies in the different initiatives of this project.

Suraya  Jahan
Suraya Jahan
Deputy Director 

UKTI Brazil Brazil

UKTI Brazil are looking to meet UK companies including:

• Companies with educational software / distance learning content or tools for English Language Training and STEM subjects

• Teacher training content – technology and content

• Educational equipment for vocational  / primary secondary education

Brazil has opportunities in:

• Distance learning – software, online platforms, content, videos.  Interactive technology

• School solutions – management & services 

• ELT / STEM content

Ms Vera Oliveira
Ms Vera Oliveira
Education and Training Officer 

UKTI China China

UKTI China are looking to meet UK companies including:

  • Education contents providers such as: qualifications, online curriculum, training solutions, etc. 
  • Professional services such as Assessment services, classroom services, etc. New technology which can be efficiently applied in the classroom.

China is the world’s largest education market, with more than 400 million students.
It was estimated that on-line education market increased from 14.3 billion RMB in 2004 to 72.3 billion in 2012, with 22.5% annual average compound growth rate. In 2015, the market will roar to 174.5 billion RMB.  
China is pacing towards a more information and technology based economy. It promises to provide broadband connectivity to all K-12 classrooms by 2020.

The most promising opportunities lie in the China’s tightly regulated public education system, for example in rising demand for home schooling, after-school tutoring, vocational training and preschool education. Therefore, it is preferably to work with a local Chinese partner who’s already penetrated the system and good track record of development. There are also considerable opportunities in the publishing and provision of e-books, digital note-taking and other cloud-based services, as well as education software development for electronic hardware.

Attendee Profile:
Danny Pan is Head of Education Technology and Higher Education Reform in UKTI Beijing since October 2015. Prior to UKTI, Danny has 10 years working experiences in both British and Chinese Higher Education Sectors including King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London and Wuhan Polytechnic University etc. Danny is conducting a market scoping research for the education technology industry in China. The purpose is to provide more business opportunities to British Ed Tech suppliers. Look forward to sharing more information with everyone. 

Danny Pan
Danny Pan
Head of Education Technology and Higher Education 

UKTI Cyprus Cyprus

UKTI Cyprus are looking to meet UK companies including:

• Suppliers of all educational  ICT

• Suppliers of SEN products and services

• Suppliers of new Innovative products

Athena Achilleos
Athena Achilleos
Trade & Investment Officer 

UKTI Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR China

UKTI Hong Kong are looking to meet any UK companies interested in exporting to Hong Kong.
Hong Kong schools are well served by the Internet infrastructure; all computers are networked and connected to the Internet via Broadband plus wireless network. E-learning platforms exist at all schools although the level of sophistication differs from school to school. To further realise the potential of IT, the Hong Kong Government is proposing to overhaul schools’ IT infrastructure and every classroom with WiFi access. Promotion of e-learning in schools is high on the Hong Kong Government’s education agenda, including the development of e-learning resources for the enhancement of learning and teaching.
Ms Heidi Cheung
Ms Heidi Cheung
LinkedIn logo Head of Education 

UKTI Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) are an initiative of the government of Kazakhstan intended to educate the future intellectual leaders of the country. This network of elementary and secondary schools teaches students in a trilingual environment of Kazakh, Russian, and English. NIS schools have 20 campuses located throughout Kazakhstan always open to latest innovative state-of- the-art teaching related technologies and resources 

Five new-generation colleges to be launched in Kazakhstan by Kasipkor Holding. The Government aims to qualitatively change the content in colleges, educational processes, to improve the material and technical base, to improve the training and skills of engineering teaching staff of colleges. 

Larissa Glukhova
Larissa Glukhova
UKTI Adviser 

UKTI Lebanon Lebanon

UKTI Lebanon are looking to meet UK companies including:
• Publishers
• Distributors
• Software companies

Lebanon is a regional centre for trade and business due to its strategic geographical location

Benefits for UK business exporting to Lebanon include: Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA) signed by UK and Lebanon, no exchange regulations, English widely spoken, large financial sector, well-educated and highly skilled workforce.

Lebanon has the highest literacy rate in the Arab world which is 90%. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s (MEHE) main priorities are to support ICT in the education system

Ms Diala Michlawi
Ms Diala Michlawi
Assistant Trade Officer 

UKTI Lithuania Lithuania

UKTI Lithuania are looking to meet UK companies including:

• Hardware for schools and universities

• Software for schools and universities

• Suppliers looking for distributors in Lithuania

Around £549 million of the EU funds will be allocated for Education sector in Lithuania until 2020 which ppens wide opportunities for UK education technology and expertise suppliers in schools equipment and content solutions. Infrastructure refurbishment and development for general, vocational and special needs education hardware and technology suppliers for life sciences.

Dovile Janeliauskaite
Dovile Janeliauskaite
Senior Trade Adviser  

UKTI Morocco Morocco

UKTI Morocco are looking to meet UK companies including:

• ELT material, interactive whiteboards, software, audio visual equipment and digital technologies

• Consultants in education 

•  Vocational training organisations and ELT providers

The opportunities for UK companies are in: ELT, vocational training, ICT, development of new contents, e-learning, consultation services, didactic and pedagogic equipment, investment in new schools and universities.

Education is a top priority market in Morocco; the UK is engaged at a strategic level with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education.

Najat Benyahia
Najat Benyahia
Trade Adviser 

UKTI Nigeria Nigeria

UKTI Nigeria are looking to meet UK companies including:
• Those that have an interest in new markets (emerging economies)
• Companies who have received enquiries from Nigerian companies and who are genuinely interested in the market
• Those that have already sold to Nigeria and are seeking advice on how they can expand their sales

Opportunities for UK companies in the following areas:
•  Demand for educational software/hardware in schools and learning institutions across all levels of education.
• Capacity building & training for teachers
• Curriculum development
• Upgrade of ICT infrastructure in schools

Glory Eze
Glory Eze